Lunar Living

How to Align Your Life with the Moon's Phases

Have you ever noticed how the moon's phases affect your mood, energy, and behaviour? From the energetic full moon to the introspective new moon, the lunar cycle offers a natural rhythm that can guide our daily lives. We can enhance our well-being and cultivate a deeper connection with the natural world by aligning our practices and rituals with the moon's phases. Living in sync with the moon provides a deeper understanding of how our personal journey connects to the collective and universal energies. We can utilise these energies for our own benefit and evolve our consciousness as we travel through life.

The goal here is to connect with your intuition and make decisions from a soul-aligned place so that we flow with the universal energies with such ease. This includes moon phases as they are such intricate details of how we approach our personal growth so why not utilise them to our advantage?

Lunar Living

Let’s explore some practical tools and exercises for lunar living and how to incorporate them into your everyday living.

New Moon

The new moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle and is a time for setting intentions, manifesting goals, and connecting with our inner selves. It’s the time we set intentions for the month ahead and use this phase to build up the energy through action so that we can manifest. The energy peaks during the full moon phase and it can be seen as a pinnacle of the month. Here are some practices to try:

  • Write down your intentions and goals for the coming month. Try and be as specific as possible and then use the intention to break down your goal into actionable steps for the upcoming month. Remember without inspired action manifestations will be deleted so always act on your inspiration.

  • Meditate on your desires and visualize them coming to fruition. See yourself living your intentions and goals as its already happening in your reality.

  • Spend time in nature, reflecting on your inner landscape. Nature is the best transmuter of any negative energy or blocks that can hinder our progress. It’s also the best place to connect to your intuition and get the guidance needed to progress.

Waxing Moon

As the moon grows, so does its energy and influence. The waxing moon is a time for growth, expansion, and action. This is the time to give your all and work hard on your goals and dreams. As you already took time to break down your goals in the actionable steps during the New Moon phase, the Waxing Moon is the time to show up and claim your dreams. It’s also a good time to uncover if there are blocks stopping you from going for your dreams.

  • Take steps towards your goals, big or small. Use the mantra progress over perfection so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.

  • Seek new opportunities and adventures. Open yourself up for things to show up in your reality by eliminating fear on a daily.

  • Practice self-care and nurturing to support your growth. Give yourself the love and care that you need to stay on track.

Lunar Living

Full Moon

The full moon is a time of peak energy and illumination. It's a time for celebration, gratitude, and releasing what no longer serves you. It’s the time when we further align with the intention we set on the New Moon and release what does not serve our journey. Use the support of full moon to burn away anything on the way to your dreams because you are worthy of your dreams. This is the most powerful time to take an inventory and reflect.

  • Reflect on your progress since the new moon and celebrate your successes. Write down all the ways that you didn’t fully show up for yourself so that you cultivate awareness around your blocks in order to release them.

  • Practice gratitude for all the blessings in your life. Even for the negative situations as they are taking you to where you need to be. Don’t resist what needs to fall off and flow with it all. The good and the bad.

  • Let go of any negative emotions or limiting beliefs that are holding you back. You can write them down on a piece of paper and safely burn the paper away. Feel the energy leaving your field as you align more with what’s meant for you.

Waning Moon

As the moon wanes, its energy turns inward, inviting us to reflect, rest, and integrate our experiences. This is the best time to cultivate and grow your self-awareness. Self-awareness is what changes the game in the long run and keeps your growth suitable and consistent.

  • Review the past month's events and insights. The good and the bad, simply reflect and become aware.

  • Practice self-reflection and introspection. This is where your full power lies. Uncovering what leaks your energy and what gives you the light is the most crucial step in your personal development journey.

  • Prioritise rest and renewal to prepare for the next cycle. Flow with it all, release resistance and remember slow and steady wins the race.

By incorporating these lunar-based practices and rituals into your daily life, you can align with the moon's natural rhythms and enhance your well-being. Whether you choose to focus on one phase or all four, the moon's gentle guidance can support your growth and transformation. By becoming aware of the moon’s energy and how it impacts your growth you can take full power over your reality and manifestations. We manifest all the time whether it be good or bad and becoming self-aware can keep our vibration in the positive spectrum which ultimately changes the manifestations that we experience every day.


It’s Time for Transformation


Living with Intention