Living with Intention

The Path to an Authentic and Fulfilling Life

Have you ever felt like you're going through the motions of life without really being present? Or maybe you've felt disconnected between who you are and how you live. Living an intentional and authentic life can help you feel more connected, fulfilled, and authentic. Living in this way will also assist in removing overwhelm and align you with your goals, dreams and desires as you set the intentions to tap into them daily. Best of all setting an intention daily and having this way of living become a practice or a ritual takes a minute to none and it has the power to change your life.

Let’s explore the benefits of living with intention and provide a few practical tools and exercises to help you get started.

What does it mean to live intentionally and authentically?

Living intentionally means being deliberate and mindful about your choices and actions. It's about setting clear goals and priorities and aligning your actions with your values and beliefs. Conversely, authenticity means being true to yourself and living in alignment with your inner truth. It's about embracing your unique strengths, values, and passions, and expressing them authentically in your daily life. To embrace this lifestyle, you must be willing to look at yourself and your life and take a good inventory of what in your life serves your authenticity and what doesn't. You will hear me repeat on many occasions that clarity is alignment and once you start becoming clear of your authentic self and the ways you wish you feel, it will become easier to remove all that isn’t contributing to this way of life.

Benefits of Living with Intention and Authenticity

Why go through the entire restructure and change all that is familiar, even if it’s not joy-filled, you may ask. Let’s look at some benefits of living with intention and how it can improve the way you feel day to day. Believe me when I say removing toxic people and situations from my life aligning myself with my highest self and becoming intentional with where my energy goes has been the biggest game changer that brought not only money and freedom but an immense amount of peace.

  • Increased Sense of Control and Agency: When you live intentionally, you take ownership of your life and decisions, leading to a greater sense of control and agency. You no longer accept the bare minimum and become aware that you are a creator of your own life and the power lies within you.

  • Improved Relationships: Authenticity promotes deeper and more meaningful connections with others, leading to more fulfilling relationships. This may mean that some people will fall away from your life but allowing them to do so with ease will make you much more content with the soul-aligned people that you will start attracting. You will also feel a much stronger love for yourself making you feel that this is the most important relationship you will ever have.

  • Increased Happiness and Life Satisfaction: Living in alignment with your values and passions can increase your overall happiness and life satisfaction. You will be at peace and joy and when you fall out of alignment, it will allow you clarity to understand why and get your self back up again.

  • Greater Sense of Purpose and Meaning: Living intentionally and authentically makes you more likely to find meaning and purpose in your daily activities. You will stop wasting your time and energy on all that isn’t serving your authentic purpose and it will become much easier to be happy.

Here are a few Practical Tools and Exercises for Living Intentionally and Authentically

  • Set Clear Goals and Priorities: Identify your values, passions, and long-term goals, and set specific, achievable, and measurable short-term goals that align with them. You can do this in alignment with the moon phases or simply as a part of your daily practice. You can choose to set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals and review accordingly.

  • Practice Mindfulness: Being present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions can help you make more intentional choices. Understanding that how things make you feel is your emotional guidance system and that all that does not bring joy is simply not for you, will make it much easier to move through life with ease and detachment. Detachment is where happiness lies.

  • Practice Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on your actions and decisions, and assess whether they align with your values and priorities. Nobody is perfect and when we fall off our soul-aligned path, these times are the best times to learn our lessons. Reflecting on them will make you much stronger than you ever thought possible.

  • Surround Yourself with Supportive People: Seek out people who support your authentic self and encourage your growth and development. Allow the ones that don’t fall off your life. This will create so much space for beautiful new relationships to come through. It will also allow you to improve the relationship you have with yourself.

  • Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind and understanding with yourself as you navigate the process of living more intentionally and authentically. If you get hurt and lonely at times, understand that this is part of your journey that is making you become a best version of yourself. Your soul knew that you can make it before coming back to Earth and all the strength you ned is within you. Trust me on this.

Living with intention and authenticity can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. By setting clear goals, being mindful and reflective, and surrounding yourself with supportive people, you can take steps towards a more intentional and authentic way of living. It will change your life and how you feel daily. It will bring forth more inspiration, happiness, joy, peace and not to mention abundance.


Lunar Living


The Moon's Mystical Influence