The Moon's Mystical Influence

How the Lunar Cycle Affects Our Energy and Emotions

Have you ever noticed how the moon's phases seem to affect your mood and energy levels? From the energetic full moon to the introspective new moon, the lunar cycle has been observed to influence our emotions, behaviour, and even our physical health. As mentioned in one of our previous articles, moon energy can be utilised to help us align and manifest our desires into reality with ease.

I also wanted us to explore the connection between the moon and our energy, and provide practical tools to help you harness the moon's power in your daily life. Remember clarity is alignment and why not use all the available tools and energies that the universe blessed us with in order to manifest our dream life? It is all here and ready for us to tap into it so why delay?

The Moon and Its Phases

The moon takes approximately 29 days to complete one cycle, which consists of four main phases: new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter. Each phase is associated with different energies and characteristics, and many believe that these energies can influence our own emotional and physical states. We can also use these energies to better understand why and how we feel at any given time.

How the Moon Affects Our Energy and Emotions

  • Full Moon: Associated with heightened energy, emotions, and intuition. Some may experience increased creativity, while others may feel more emotional or sensitive. Your sleep can be affected at this time too. Don’t be surprised if others around you, especially less conscious humans act out weird, full moon will make you do that.

  • New Moon: A time of introspection, manifestation, and setting intentions. Many find it easier to connect with their inner selves and intuition during this phase. It’s a beautifully supportive time to set new intentions and align your energy with who you wish to be, especially if you are not there yet.

  • First Quarter: A time for action, growth, and taking steps towards your goals. It's associated with increased motivation and productivity. This is an energetically charged period where the universe supports your goals and dreams and the easiest time to fully show up for yourself.

  • Last Quarter: A time for reflection, release, and integration. It's associated with increased introspection and the urge to let go of what no longer serves you. If you bleed on a full moon, this is a good time to allow yourself to fully slow down and increase your rest. It’s a great time to boost your holistic wellness and lean into your self-love and care.

My Favourite Practices and Tools I use to Connect with the Moon's Energy

  • Keep a Moon Journal: Track the moon's phases and your energy, emotions, and experiences. Look for patterns and insights that can help you harness the moon's power. Track your progress and live with intention as becoming aware of the moon phases will allow for full clarity and soul alignment. It’s a great tool to fall back to when you find yourself our of alignment as it will provide the clarity and support you need to get back on track and return to your higher self. Ebs and flows of our energy from high to low are normal and a big part of the journey we call life.

  • Set Intentions: Set intentions and goals during the new moon and reflect on your progress during the full moon. Becoming reflective of how far you are getting and the progress made will make it easier to live with compassion and joy. You can always fall back on gratitude for how far you have come and all the strength you cultivated throughout your journey.

  • Practice Moon-Themed Yoga or Meditation: Practice moon-themed yoga poses or meditations during each phase of the lunar cycle to align your energy with the moon's. There are many videos on YouTube to support you or have a look around your neighbourhood for the moon circles and communities of like-minded women for further support.

  • Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors under the moon's light to connect with its energy and rhythms. Breathe in freshness and breathe out all the stuck energy from your body, feel it leave your field and offer it to nature for harmless transmutation back to light.

  • Try Moon Bathing: Similar to sunbathing, moon bathing involves sitting under the moon's light to absorb its energy and benefits. Depending on the time of the year and where you live, of course, summers are always such a perfect time for moon bathing and moon journaling.

By incorporating these tools and exercises into your daily life, you can deepen your connection with the moon and harness its mystical power to enhance your well-being and personal growth. So, the next time you gaze up at the night sky, take a moment to appreciate the moon's beauty and the influence it has on your own energy and emotions. Don’t forget to thank yourself for how far you have come despite of many challenges along the journey, and feel the support given by the moon and universe at any given time.



Living with Intention


Mindfulness in Everyday Life